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Get A Mobile Uplift In 2021

By Nasstar, Head of Product, Scott Threlfall

Is improving the way your business communicates at the top of your to-do list for 2021? From traditional mailers to digital campaigns, there are many ways to make your voice heard, and with the rise in the use of mobile communications, there’s never been a better time to shake up your marketing strategy.

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The power of mobile

We use our mobile devices to read emails, perform banking tasks, interact with mobile applications, play games, and communicate via SMS, WhatsApp or social media.

The mobile channel is ubiquitous, we all engage with it every day of our lives, usually from first thing in the morning to last thing at night.

  • Last year, the UK sent over 80 billion texts
  • 7 out of 10 people in the UK are regular mobile users
  • We touch our phones over 50 times a day 

Multimedia messages sent via text are 27% more likely to result in a call to action being performed than other digital communications. 

So, what if you could take the creativity of multimedia, add in the clarity of direct mail communication, and send it via a digital channel that provides quantitative results

Quite simply, you can.

Why use Docs Delivered?

Firstly, what is it?

Docs Delivered is a cloud-based solution allowing sensitive documents to be delivered to recipients using a unique, traceable hyperlink via SMS. By clicking on this link, you start your fully customisable, branded journey through the ‘digital document delivery’ module, directing you to secure landing pages, identification, and verification (ID&V).

It negates the needs for postage fees and reduces operational costs by enabling tracked distribution of your communications. By utilising the unique real-time delivery of SMS to send personalised communications to your customers, they can quickly request a call, amend personal details, eSign for a receipt, or even make a payment. 

Your customers’ confidentiality is secured, and your organisation can create an efficient experience, all whilst lessening the need for agent time and attention.

What can it do for you? 

Docs Delivered is part of our Unified Communications suite, delivering a next-generation customer experience. You can purchase or integrate one or all the solutions depending on your bespoke requirements, making the system accessible to organisations of all sizes.

  • Want your customers to sign to say information has been received? Easy.
  • Want to offer a suite of Admin functions for your customers to be able to perform easy tasks like changing their address details? You can.
  • Need your customers to read something and then offer them the chance to pay instantly? No problem.

Using our SMART technology, you can send information at much cheaper rates than traditional mail, receive instant responses and track the delivery and acknowledgement of receipt, making the system even more reliable.

Without the costly development and support required by traditional mobile applications, your organisation can save thousands by using Docs Delivered to communicate with your customers.

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Docs Delivered utilises the power of text, combined with the multimedia branded web links to increase call to action success rates over 27% compared to traditional communications channels.

To learn more, please contact us here.